
globalization Essay Examples

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Published: Friday 25th of January 2013

How to Write a Globalisation Essay Guide: Tips and Example

Theme and Context

Globalization is a topic that is vitally important in today’s society. This phenomenon relates to the spread of ideas, concepts, culture, good and services around the world, leading to great changes in all aspects of global society. It is no surprise that globalisation is heavily featured in textbooks, economics literature and history all around the world - it’s no wonder this is such a good topic for teachers to set their students!

Beginning an Essay on Globalisation

Essay writing can be challenging, but a good introduction can help your writing flow. Students often wonder how to introduce a topic, even one as complex as this, but take time to come up with a good introduction to help you reveal your focus to the audience. Before you start on any essay, you’ll need to make sure that you’ve planned and researched the topic thoroughly. With a complex topic such as globalisation, this essay has to be largely based on evidence.

Take these tips to help you write your globalisation essay:

  • Carry out extensive research on your topic.
  • Think about all the points and arguments you’d like to make and prepare an outline of them.
  • Look up a few definitions of globalisation and think about which to include. It’ll be best to include definitions towards the beginning of your essay.
  • Gradually begin to focus on a few key topics in your essay - globalisation is such a broad term that covers a whole range of ideas, but you’ve got to try and narrow it down.
  • Come up with a clear and succinct thesis statement to help you support other arguments.
  • Make sure your introduction is brief, coherent and to the point - you want to include just the right of information to get the reader's attention.
These tips above will certainly help you make a start on your essay so that you can then move on to consider the main body.

The Main Body of Your Essay

In this section, the supporting arguments need to be made and these are the ones that you have included in your thesis statement. Your arguments should be introduced in greater detail, developed appropriately and discussed. It’s likely that the bulk of your paper will comprise this section, so take time to develop it so that you can back up every point with evidence and information.

Make sure you follow these points:

  • Incorporate topic sentences - begin each paragraph with a specific point.
  • Provide lots of detail in your essay.
  • Backup your points with case studies and examples.
  • You can analyse different sources and give some opinions.

Concluding Your Essay

Just like the introduction, the conclusion can be a difficult challenge. You may feel the temptation to try and talk about everything you’ve mentioned, but you need to be concise and come up with a final summary. Your conclusion should be written to leave the reader with the bulk of your arguments.

Here are some pointers to help you conclude:

  • Go over your original thesis and the arguments you’ve made in the main body. Try and link these together.
  • Summarize the body of your essay clearly and concisely.
  • Emphasize the main ideas that you would like the reader to grasp after they’ve finished reading.

Globalization Essay Sample

So now that we’ve considered the main protocol to follow, let’s put it into practice. As with any essay writing, we’re going to need a plan. Essay writing can be a difficult task, but behind every great essay is a great plan. Planning your essay will make it easier to follow, allowing you to put your thoughts down and help you thinking about structure so that your points flow together. Let’s look at the title, plan and example essay below:

Title: The pro’s and con’s of globalization

Sample plan: Introduction
  • Give a definition of globalisation.
  • Provide some background and introduce pros and cons.
  • Give a statement of your thesis.
  • Discuss the main pros and cons of globalisation.
  • Link the ideas in a flowing way.
  • Reiterate your thesis.
  • Provide solutions regarding pros and cons.
  • Provide a summary of the most important pros and cons.
Essay text: Globalization is a process that connects the world’s national and regional economies, cultures and societies through a global network of trade, immigration, communication and cultural exchange. This process had lead to an enormous increase in the global production of goods and services, leading to the creation of various multinational corporations. The speed of globalisation has increased a lot in the last century which has led to increased levels of international trade, a freer movement of services, capital and goods, as well as a heightened dependence on the global economy. Although globalisation has done a lot of good to advance less economically developed countries, it is also helping to further the divide between the very richest and the very poorest members of society. As the phenomenon of globalisation came around, it was considered to be a salient strategy to increase prosperity in both rich and poor countries all over the world. The richer western world would have a greater share of inexpensive items to purchase and these items would be produced in less economically developed countries that would prosper with more business. It was also thought that trade barriers would drop and geopolitical cooperation would increase, especially as markets become more global. Unquestionably, globalisation has widely benefited less economically developed countries by providing them with more opportunities to sell goods as well as multinational corporations that have been able to profit from cheap labour, yet there are obvious disadvantages to this too. It is a thoroughly complex issue which requires a deep evaluation of the pros and cons before one can come to any conclusion. There are numerous pro’s to the topic, with a lot of people advocating globalisation to help make the world a better place whilst ridding the world of problems such as poverty and unemployment. Those who praise globalisation say that it gives rise to free trade which promotes economic prosperity all over the world, creating more growth, jobs and encouraging productivity through greater competition. Freer trade around the world is in theory supposed to reduce trade barriers, subsidies, tariffs and cross-national barriers to trade, however many barriers to trade still exist. Globalisation can reduce prices around the world as goods are acquired for cheaper and can be sold at lower prices, although countries can easily manipulate their currency to gain a price advantage. A more globalised world has lead to the development of worldwide markets which have led to a lot more trade, allowing people to travel from country to country and so increase their “market” where they can sell their goods. Globalisation can allow poorer nations to gain capital, technology and other know-how to help them develop economically in the future, whilst before there was a lack of opportunities to do this. The spread of prosperity can create opportunities for less developed nations to help themselves in the future. Transnational corporations can also relocate to developing nations and set up industry there, giving people jobs and building valuable infrastructure that can benefit these nations in the long run. Just like developing, nations have much to gain economically due to the spread of ideas, the spread of valuable ideas can enter the political realm, such as the spread of democracy. Globalisation can help rid the world of authoritarian regimes and colonial rule that can be damaging to many lives and therefore empower people with greater choices. It is true that politically, power is becoming less compartmentalized around the world, with political decisions being shared around the world, helping to benefit people at large. As countries can share information with greater ease, they can help each other out and learn from their cultures. Global problems such as climate change are cooperated on with larger cooperation, pulling together greater amounts of resources. Globalisation has certainly resulted in greater ease of communication and a spread of ideas as information is very quickly and easily assimilated and spread around the world. People can also move more easily around the world, leading to greater social mobility and a wider range of experiences for people to have. Undoubtedly globalisation has lead to real worldwide change, but is this change for the better or for the worse? Many people reject the ideas of globalisation and believe there are more prominent cons than pros. In general, it can be said that globalisation has made the few rich a lot richer and the many poor even poorer. Capitalism serves as a framework which can widen the divide between the rich and the poor, and this is fueled by globalisation. As previously mentioned, theoretically globalisation is thought to lead to a freer trade, but this hasn’t been the case worldwide as many trade barriers still exist. Taxes on imports and exports are high for various countries and trade wars can result due to this. Economic prosperity can be brought to developed countries, but globalisation can also take away developed countries jobs as they are lost to less economically developed countries. Even enormous and prosperous nations such as China are seeing millions of jobs outsourced to even cheaper countries where companies can have an advantage of freer labour. This deficit in jobs will be hard to address and is a problem for developed countries which have man people that can’t afford to buy the things that are being produced. In the same way that multinational corporations can move their labour to cheaper areas, they can also gain an unfair advantage by offshoring operations into countries that charge much lower rates of tax, i.e. tax havens, which is unfair for everyone. Multinational corporations can provide those in less economically developed countries with increased opportunities but often they can exploit those countries and their people with unfair working conditions, tragically low wages and poor living conditions. Exploitation of labour is a major con for globalisation and there are numerous examples of this, even as extreme as prisoners, slaves and child workers used to work in unlivable conditions. Multinationals can also cripple countries ecologically by damaging their environments as they enter countries with more relaxed environmental laws that they can take advantage of. A lot of these corporations can even influence the political decisions of countries, for instance with the example just mentioned, they can negotiate and bribe governments to allow for even more relaxed environmental laws. So on the face of it, there are obvious pros and cons for globalisation. How can nations around the world work to decrease the negative effects and allow for the pros of globalisation to remain? As there are many pros to be gained from increased world trade, a more balanced trade network needs to be established, much like in the European Union for example and the South Korean Korus trade agreement. Nations need also to be more compliant with the rules and held accountable for their actions, because the cons of currency manipulation, bribery and exploitation are real and dangerous. It’s not possible to stop globalisation, nor should we necessarily want to, but the pros and cons are clear and should be thought about more seriously to create greater prosperity for the world.