How To Write A Poetry Analysis Essay

How To Write A Poetry Analysis Essay

poetry analysis essay

Any writer or poet has a personal distinctive style that no one else can reproduce. By their own thoughts or the aspects they want to illustrate, authors write different poems to examine diverse perspectives or principles.

Poetry analysis represents the procedure of examining the numerous aesthetical, practical and morphological elements included in a work of poetry. Most of the times, this examination is carried out and registered in a literary essay. In this variety of paper, you need to carefully investigate the poet’s preferences as well as the general impacts of these preferences. A poetry analysis essay demands a thorough examination of all of the elements utilized when creating a poem.

What to Do Before Starting to Write

To be able to write a poetry analysis essay, you must initially read the poem with great attention. It goes without saying that it is of great importance to reread the work of poetry more than once to fully comprehend any thoughts and notions the author is trying to convey. This way, you’ll also have the chance to observe the rhyme pattern (if any), the variety of poetry (lyric, ode, free verse, sonnet, limerick, haiku, etc.), as well as the other expressive methods employed by the author (like symbols, rhythm, end-stopped verses or enjambment).

  • Ode: An ode has strophes of 10 verses each. All of the verses of the ode are in iambic pentameter, except for the eighth verse, which is in iambic trimeter.
  • Limerick: A limerick is a strophe consisting of five verses. The first, second and fifth verses are longer and rhyme with one another, each of them displaying 3 feet of 3 syllables. The third and fourth verses rhyme with one another and have 2 feet of 3 syllables.
  • Lyric: Lyric poems are relatively short, non-narrative pieces of poetry. In a lyric poem, the author displays a set of thoughts or an effective stance. Instead of presenting a narrative, the poet describes their own inner reflections using a particular rhyming type.
  • Sonnet: A sonnet is a piece of poetry consisting of 14 verses in iambic pentameter. This type of poem was popularized by William Shakespeare.
  • Haiku: Haiku is a type of poem invented in Japan. It features 3 verses, each of them having 17 syllables. The syllable count of a haiku is 5/7/5.
  • Free-Verse: Simply put, free verse is a type of poem that lacks rhyme and steady meter.

Once you identify the technical elements of a piece of poetry, the next step is studying its backstory. It would definitely be useful to search for information about the author, the time when he wrote the poem, as well as the societal circumstances of the composition. By learning these aspects, you’ll gain a more comprehensive grasp of the poetry. It pretty much goes without saying that if you have a stronger understanding of the work, it will be way easier for you to analyze it.

The last aspect of drafting a poetry analysis essay is a section of the paper that deals with the subject matter of the piece of poetry. You can examine this while you attempt to establish the motif, tonality, state of mind and significance of the poem. The subject matter, as well as the thematic components which sustain the premeditated communication passed along with the subject, are very open to interpretation.

On numerous occasions, readers have divergent viewpoints regarding the message a poet wishes to send through their utilization of a topic. Therefore, provided that the meaning isn’t explicitly presented, the optimum solution is to express various alternatives regarding the message the poet may have wanted to transmit. Furthermore, you should present proof for each of the possibilities. Nevertheless, as a rule, it’s best to opt for supporting one of the several ideas you’ve thought of.

Although the poet might have attempted to express various distinct viewpoints in theories, your primary goal when writing a poetry analysis essay is to talk about the theory that makes more sense to you. As a note of caution, do not mistake this with selecting a preferred stance or a one-sided one. You ought to be supporting the theory that seems the most reasonable or provides the best validation! Seeing as your paper is supposed to be an assessment, you should steer clear of personal viewpoints. Instead, write about facts and presumptions for which you can find proof in the poem.

Present the poem: Examine the poem: Reiterate the hypothesis, connecting it to broader subjects:
  • Sum up or explain
  • Provide any essential background
Assert your hypothesis.
  • Detect a topic or motif
  • Utilize fragments from the poem and pertinent circumstances as proof
Proceed as required.
  • The way in which the poem operates
  • Its signification
Section by section, or text by text
Present the poem: Examine the first part of the poem. Reiterate the hypothesis, connecting it to broader subjects:
  • Sum up or explain
  • Provide any essential background
Assert your hypothesis.
Examine the following part of the poem.
  • The way in which the poem operates
  • Its signification
Carry on as required.

Poetry Analysis Essay Structure

The structure of a poetry analysis essay is pretty straightforward, seeing as it merely serves as a recommendation that you should consider when creating the first rough outline. Ideally, you should add the title of the essay at the top of the page. Afterward, write the Roman number (I) followed by “Introduction.”

Proceed by enumerating brainstormed thoughts for the introductory section of the essay. The last part of the introduction ought to include the hypothesis assertion. Once you complete that part of the structure, proceed to the body paragraphs, which should also be marked with Roman numbers.

Each of the body paragraphs ought to cover a distinct topic scope of the poem. Under the Roman numbers, you can also add letters, which designate subsections of each subject scope. Each of these subtopics needs to be approached in a separate paragraph (or, in case your essay has to be short, phrase) in the body of the essay.

The last part of the structure is the conclusion, which should also be designated by a Roman number. The conclusion of your essay ought to include a reiteration of the hypothesis. Ideally, write this restatement using distinct, but discernable words. Last but not least, add a general conclusive assertion regarding your summed-up perspective of the examined poem.

How to Select a Subject

Preferably, you should opt for a subject that you already have a knowledge of. For instance, if you are free to select the piece of poetry to examine, you may be at an advantage if you pick a poem you’ve already read. In case you have to decide between distinct topic scopes in a piece of poetry, things may be considerably easier if you decide to tackle a subject scope you’re proficient in. This way, you’ll be able to transmit your communications comprehensibly and self-assuredly.

Contrary to what you may believe at first, a poetry analysis essay is not such a difficult task. Provided that you take notice of our recommendations when dealing with the subject, structure and overall essay requirements, your paper will undoubtedly be a success.

Is Writing a Poetry Analysis Essay Still Confusing?

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