Marketing Cover Letter Examples & Templates

Market Researcher Cover Letter Examples

If you want to intrigue a recruiter with your market research experience and qualifications, start by writing a strong cover letter. Use our market researcher cover letter example and industry-specific do’s and don’ts to ensure your document is engaging. ?Do showcase your specific strengths that are relevant to the key requirements for the position. Determine core priorities from the job description and explain how you can fulfill them. Don’t use fluff; avoid overusing buzzwords like “people-person.” Display your relevant market research skills with specific and descriptive statements. Do use numbers whenever possible to prove how your market research skills have benefited your employers in the past. ?Don’t be generic or archaic when addressing the hiring manager. Avoid using “Dear Sir” or “Dear Madam.”?Do make it a point to stand out. What sets you apart from other market researchers? Focus on that. Don’t be overly-technical in your writing to the point where only another market researcher could understand it. Market Researcher Advice Want a job as a market researcher? You’ll need a business background, an understanding of research methods, and a compelling professional cover letter, like the ones shown in our cover letter examples below. Choose from a range of templates and unique designs. Click on any of these cover letter examples to get started on building your own market researcher…

SEM Cover Letter Examples

As you search for a job, you need to find ways to make yourself stand out. Creating an engaging and informative cover letter, such as the SEM cover letter example, is one of the best ways to really catch the eye of an employer. Use the example and do and don’t tips to get great ideas for your own professional document. Do take some chances with your letter. Jobseekers often stick to the tried-and-true rules as they write their cover letter. Breaking the rules can help you stick out in the sea of resumes. Don’t break too many rules. Being rude or cocky in a cover letter is a great way to not get a job interview. Always highlight your skills and experiences even if you think it’s boring. Do use your letter as a space to discuss details you were unable to fit into your resume. Most resumes and CVs are only a single page, so it’s likely you have a lot of skills and experiences you simply couldn’t touch on. Rather than repeat information you already covered, try to bring up something new. Don’t forget to edit. Glaring grammatical issues can make you stand out in a negative way. Sem Advice The SEM cover letter examples below are designed to help SEM professionals find a job. SEM (Search…

Copywriter and Editor Cover Letter Examples

Many people dread writing cover letters and often find themselves wondering just how important these letters are. The fact is that hiring managers will read them, so if you want to get noticed, a well-written cover letter is a must. To ensure your document follows the best practices, check out our copywriter and editor cover letter example and these do’s and don’ts. Do highlight your skills. Letting hiring managers know what abilities you have right off the bat is a good practice, especially if your previous work experience doesn’t quite sell you for the position. Don’t mention education in your cover letter, as hiring managers care most about experience and skills. As shown in our example, the candidate emphasizes only these aspects. Do get creative. A copywriter’s job is based on creativity, so showcase what you’ve got. Use spicy language and have fun with the format if you are applying to a company such a hip startup. Don’t state your name. The hiring manager already knows your name from the resume, so just get straight to the point. Copywriter And Editor Advice As a copywriter, you’ll write everything from witty ad copy to website content, to email communications to customers, and more. The cover letter examples below have been designed (and written!) specifically for copywriter & editor professionals. Take a…

Traffic and Production Manager Cover Letter Examples

When you apply for a job, your cover letter should be just as well-written and attention-grabbing as your resume. If you are not sure how to make yours work for you, use this traffic and production manager cover letter example as well as the do’s and don’ts that follow. Do use the name of the contact person who will read your letter. A generic “dear sir/madam” or “to whom it may concern” may indicate you did not do your research about the company. Don’t include too much personal information or unrelated details that are not appropriate to the job opening. You should keep your cover letter professional and concise. Do carefully edit your cover letter for any glaring grammatical mistakes. You may even ask a friend to take a look to make sure you did not miss any errors. Don’t write too much. A cover letter should not be more than one page, even if you have a lengthy work history or multiple accomplishments you want to include. Traffic And Production Manager Advice The traffic and production manager of a marketing department plays an important role in making sure projects are completed in an efficient and timely manner. To get hired as a traffic and production manager, you’ll need organizational skills, an ability to work well with others, and a…

Online Marketer and Social Media Cover Letter Examples

A well-written cover letter can be a huge aid as you try to land a job. This document works to introduce your experiences and accomplishments to the hiring manager so he or she will be eager to review your resume or CV. To learn more about how to write your own document, review the online marketer and social media cover letter example and follow these do and don’t tips. Do create a narrative. Rather than simply spell out your past experiences, use a story to let the hiring manager know why you are so interested in working at the new company. Don’t let yourself get boxed in by the rules. While following general cover letter writing rules can help newbies create a standout document, those same rules can make it hard for you to be real in your letter. It’s okay to occasionally break the rules. Do ask a friend to review your letter. A second set of eyes can help you figure out if the document sells you as a strong candidate in an engaging way. Don’t be afraid to add a testimonial from a coworker or past boss. Use professional feedback to highlight your passion for online marketing. Online Marketer And Social Media Advice Looking for a job as an online marketer and social media professional? The cover…

Public Relations Cover Letter Examples

Hiring managers often read through cover letters to figure out which resumes or CVs they want to read. Building an informative and engaging letter is a necessity if you want to get a job interview. You can use the public relations cover letter example and do and don’t tips to make sure your own document will be truly attention grabbing. Do spend time perfecting your opening statement. The example applicant describes herself as a “highly skilled public relations representative,” which should interest employers from the start. Don’t get caught up in tangents. Keep your entire letter focused on the skills, accomplishments, and experiences you have that make you a great fit for the public relations job at hand. Do try to match your letter to the company’s tone. Take the time to read through portions of the company website to learn about normal language used so you can incorporate that into your letter. Don’t be afraid to add some different formatting to your letter. You may be able to make your document stand out by incorporating a headline or a bulleted list. Public Relations Advice PR professionals handle public relations for businesses and organizations. To get hired as a public relations pro, you’ll need media savvy, great writing and speaking skills, and a cover letter that highlights your qualifications. If…

Product Marketer Cover Letter Examples

A well-written cover letter is your first step to getting noticed by hiring managers and recruiters. Learn how to showcase your relevant talents and tell your story by reviewing our product marketer cover letter example and crucial do’s and don’ts. ?Do use metrics to quantify how your product marketing strategies impacted past employers. Statements such as “oversaw a product marketing team of five people” and “successfully launched 20 new products” are impressive to hiring managers. Don’t repeat yourself. Avoid regurgitating the information on your resume and focus on highlighting additional details about your product marketing experience. ?Do tailor your cover letter. Make it unique and personal to each position for which you’re applying. Don’t hyperfocus on your education. This is tempting, especially if you’re a recent graduate, but your work, volunteer, and internship experience matters most. ?Do tell your story. What brings you to apply for this position? Are you passionate about products they’ve launched in the past? Any anecdotes about your interest in the company helps. ?Don’t go too crazy with your cover letter. While you don’t have to strictly adhere to templates and formalities, don’t get unprofessional. Product Marketer Advice Are you an experienced marketing pro looking for work? There are plenty of product marketer jobs for qualified professionals, but you’ll need a great cover letter to set…

SEO Cover Letter Examples

A strong cover letter sets the stage for your resume and helps your job application stand out from the pile on the hiring manager’s desk. To get an idea of what to include as you write, take a look at our SEO cover letter example and list of tips tailored to your field. Do use language that focuses on what you can bring to the company rather than what the company can do for you. Don’t let your letter run on too long. A short and direct letter will make a better impression than a longer one with its message bogged down by extra words. Do highlight what you can deliver to the company right away. Your past experience is important, but the hiring manager is likely more concerned with what you will do in the future should you get the job. Don’t forget to edit your letter. This is especially important for applicants in the SEO field since the job heavily involves writing. Your spelling and grammar should be flawless. Seo Advice Looking for an SEO position? SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is an internet marketing strategy designed to help boost internet search traffic. The SEO cover letter examples below have been developed to assist SEO professionals in building their own job-winning cover letters. Using these cover letter examples, you’ll…

Account Manager Cover Letter Examples

You may think the cover letter is obsolete, but many recruiters place a high value on this document. You can use our account manager cover letter example and crucial do’s and don’ts to get inspiration and make sure your own letter is effective. Do address your letter to the hiring manager by name. You should be able to find the correct name in the job description or on the company’s website. Don’t forget to proofread for grammar, spelling, homonyms, and passive voice. Use an online grammar program or try reading your letter aloud. Do be honest and real in your writing. Let your personality and passion shine through without being unprofessional. Don’t just use a generic cover letter for each job application. Customize your letter to the company and the position. Do highlight your most relevant technical and soft skills, such as customer service expertise, organization and time-management abilities, and proficiency with databases and account management software. Don’t just rehash your resume; instead, highlight your most relevant and impressive career achievements in story form. Account Manager Advice Want to land a job as an account manager? You’ll need business experience, the right attitude, and, of course, a well-crafted cover letter that showcases your unique qualifications. The cover letter examples below have been created to do just that. Account managers manage…

Communications Specialist Cover Letter Examples

When you apply for a job, your cover letter is often the first thing a hiring manager will read. If you want to make sure your writing has the best chance of impressing a recruiter, use our communications specialist cover letter example and list of do’s and don’ts to fine-tune your own customized letter. Do spend some time building up your confidence so your writing reflects your most relevant communications skills and qualifications. Don’t start with “To Whom It May Concern.” If you don’t know the hiring manager’s name, use a specific greeting, such as “Communications Specialist Search Committee.”?Do focus on marketing yourself in a memorable way. Don’t use over-the-top language like “incredibly enthusiastic” or “job of a lifetime.” Be passionate but relatable. Do consider showcasing your communications creativity by choosing a unique format, such as including a header or using bullet points or a numbered list in your letter. Don’t be so unique or nontraditional that you come across as arrogant, flippant, or unprofessional. Communications Specialist Advice As a communications professional, you’ll be in charge of a variety of communication needs and initiatives for your company or clients. These cover letter examples can help you in developing your own communications specialist cover letter. Choose from a range of professional designs and find a format that fits your needs, and…

Media Planner Cover Letter Examples

When applying for jobs, it is highly essential to have a strong and well-written cover letter. A good cover letter will introduce you to the hiring manager and provide an overview of your abilities and your excellent fit for the position. For help creating an outstanding cover letter, check out our do’s and don’ts and media planner cover letter example. Do incorporate a story into your cover letter if you like. This is a fantastic way to give a little background about yourself and add some pizazz to your letter while doing so. Don’t repeat your resume. Your cover letter is a good place to provide additional details about yourself and explain why the company should choose you, as shown in our media planner example. Do customize your cover letter. Many people make the mistake of creating a general cover letter and sending it to multiple hiring managers. In our example, the candidate uses the company name and mentions specific skills and experience needed for the position. Don’t add fluff. Instead, use specific and meaningful words and sentences rather than generalized adjectives. Media Planner Advice Are you in the market for a job as a media planner. The cover letter examples below can help you in developing your media planner cover letter. Media planners are instrumental in deciding which media…

Brand Manager Cover Letter Examples

In a competitive job market, a resume or CV may not be enough to stand out among other candidates competing for the same job. Use our brand manager cover letter example and list of essential writing tips to make sure your first contact with the hiring manager makes an excellent and lasting impression. Do use your cover letter to showcase the benefits you can bring to the company with your unique qualifications. Don’t apologize if you don’t meet all the requirements in the job description. Rather, highlight some key professional accomplishments that show your brand development creativity and indicate your enthusiasm for improving the company’s brand. Do use metrics when you can, as it can help a hiring manager know what kind of growth and expansion the company can expect by hiring you. Don’t ramble or include too many details. Keep your letter to half a page, if possible. Do write in a confident manner to market yourself to the hiring manager. This is the perfect way to provide a practical example of your branding and advertising skills. Don’t exaggerate or lie about your work experience, education, or abilities. Brand Manager Advice Branding make a major difference in the way companies are perceived by customers, and branding managers play a large role in defining brands and brand strategy. The brand…

Product Manager Cover Letter Examples

An engaging cover letter can help you catch the attention of an employer, which can lead to landing an interview for a job. In order to create a document that really works for you, you need to know what content and format to use. Check out our product manager cover letter example and the do and don’t tips as you get ready to build your letter. Do avoid using cliché phrases such as “team player.” Instead, talk about your passion for design software or your history of collaborating with other members of the team to complete projects to make your letter stand out. Don’t be afraid to brag. If you really want to get a job, you need to be able to sell yourself. Sometimes it helps to think of your accomplishments from a coworker’s point of view. Do start with a template if you need a little help. Creating the perfect format can take some trial and error, so a professional-looking template can save you time. Don’t create something that is too formal. While formality can make you seem professional, it can also make you seem hard to approach. Instead, discuss your product manager experience with a little more personality. Product Manager Advice Becoming a product manager requires leadership skills, product knowledge, and a memorable and unique cover letter…

Event Planner Cover Letter Examples

If your goal is to grab a hiring manager’s attention and ultimately land an interview, you will need to have a standout and engaging cover letter. A good cover letter will highlight your skills and qualifications and encourage hiring managers to read your resume or CV. Use our event planner cover letter example and tips to ensure your cover letter is up to par. Do showcase what you can accomplish for the company rather than how great of a position this will be for you. Show the hiring manager what you’ll do in the future in addition to what you have done in the past. Don’t apologize for lack of experience or abilities. If there are certain aspects of event planning that you are not skilled in, don’t draw attention to them. As shown in the example, highlight your skills and strengths and keep it positive. Do be honest. Lying to a potential employer is a huge no-no and can hurt your chances at getting hired. Don’t make it too formal, as this can seem insincere. In our example, the candidate begins with a few lines that sound friendly and make her seem approachable. Event Planner Advice Have people told you you’re a great planner? Why not make event planning your career? The event planner cover letter examples here can…