Personal & Services Resume Examples & Templates

Fitness And Personal Trainer Resume Example

Whip your resume into shape! Even if you have the most loyal client base, you’ll still need an impressive resume to convince hiring managers and new clients that you can provide value to their team. Identify your areas of expertise in your summary statement. Be as specific as possible. Cardio instruction isn’t specific enough; however, Creator of Bonnie’s Butt Buster Cardio gives your reader more context. Share your client successes in your work history section. Avoid sharing weight loss stories, rather elaborate on clients who’ve met their fitness goals. For more instruction, see the fitness and personal trainer resume example. Fitness And Personal Trainer Advice As a fitness and personal trainer, you’ll help people get and stay in shape, while encouraging fitness and good health. The resume examples below will help you in creating the fitness and personal trainer resume you’ll need to get hired. Use these pre-written resume examples as a beginning, and then adjust as needed to personalize your resume. It’s fast and easy, and just might help you land the job you want much sooner! Create My Resume Loading... $(window).load(function(){ addSalaryWidget(); }); Resume Tips for Fitness And Personal Trainer Finding jobs as a fitness and personal trainer takes a mixture of using job-seeking tips and having a positive attitude. The following advice can help you score your…

Babysitter Resume Example

Because children’s lives are in your hands, it’s important to craft a babysitting resume that makes parents feel reassured. Start off with your certifications and specialized training. You can include this information in your summary statement. In your work history section, share the ages of the children you’ve supervised and note the length of time you worked for the families. Have special training, such as CPR? Include it under the education tab, as it could help you edge out the competition. Need more help? Read the babysitter resume example for ideas on making your resume shine. Babysitter Advice Looking for work as a babysitter? You’ll need to be responsible, have quality references, and you should also have a resume. These resume examples can help you create a resume that you can bring to any job interview. Use these resume examples as a starting point, and update the sample text to fit your personal situation. Choose from multiple resume templates below. Create My Resume Loading... $(window).load(function(){ addSalaryWidget(); }); Resume Tips for Babysitter Finding jobs as a babysitter is all about taking the right steps. Your job search, no matter where it is in the country, can be made easier if you take the right actions. Use these tips to help you through the difficult process: 1. Think about your skills. Before…

Full Time Nanny Resume Example

Don’t just take care of children, take care of your career. Write a resume that lets parents know that you are kind and trustworthy. Even if you don’t have much experience, a great summary statement can make you sound capable and responsible. Mention your certifications and licenses here, such as CPR training, then share them in detail in your education section. Be sure to note the ages of your former clients and share the fun activities you did with each age group. For older children, note your experience in homework help. See the full-time nanny resume example for more ideas. Full Time Nanny Advice Get a job as a full time nanny faster with a high-quality resume. The resume examples below have been designed specifically to help you secure a full time nanny position, and include language that employers are looking for. With these resume examples as a guide, you can start building a resume that can succeed sooner. Take the next step in your nanny career with these helpful resume templates. Create My Resume Loading... $(window).load(function(){ addSalaryWidget(); }); Resume Tips for Full Time Nanny There are a lot of opportunities to find jobs as a full time nanny for those who apply themselves. Here is some quick advice on how best to go about your job search. 1. Online…

Nanny Resume Example

When you write your resume, focus on one core goal: convincing employers to trust you. Whether you submit your resume to a family or an agency, an exceptional resume is critical for your success. In your summary statement, briefly address your past experience as well as your certifications and licenses. When you write your work history section, detail the care you have provided and the ages of the children you’ve cared for in the past. Include your experience working with special needs children, if applicable, and any fun activities you’ve implemented. Read the nanny resume example for more help. Nanny Advice If you’re patient, enjoy working with children, and are responsible, you could be the ideal candidate to become a nanny. The resume examples below have been designed to show you what a high-quality nanny resume should look like. With these resume examples as a guide, you can start building your own professional nanny resume faster and more easily. Don’t wait any longer to get the career you want–click below to start on your resume today. Create My Resume Loading... $(window).load(function(){ addSalaryWidget(); }); Resume Tips for Nanny Here is how you can connect to jobs as a nanny: 1. Find some training or professional development opportunities in the area. Adding skills to your resume helps, and often times larger employers…

Part Time Nanny Resume Example

To build a competitive part-time nanny resume, you must ensure that your resume paints a picture of a trustworthy person. Start off strong with a summary statement that addresses your certifications and licenses. Complement this with a prominently placed certifications section that provides more detail. In your work experience section, illustrate your achievements and duties. Here, get into specifics, such as the specific ages of the kids you have you watched. Add in additional information, such as if you have experience working with special needs children. For more help, see the part-time nanny resume example. Part Time Nanny Advice A part time nanny provides child care for busy families. It’s an important job, and to get it you’ll need experience, the right personality, and a resume that shows off your qualifications. The resume examples below can help you create your own part time nanny resume faster. Don’t wait any longer to get the career you want–click any of the resume examples below to begin building your resume now. Create My Resume Loading... $(window).load(function(){ addSalaryWidget(); }); Resume Tips for Part Time Nanny Finding jobs as a part time nanny means having the right mindset and putting to use certain job-seeking skills. Following the tips below can help keep you on track during your job hunt. 1. Keep a positive attitude. You…

Personal Care Resume Example

For those who work in personal care, trust is crucial. If you fail to convey the image of a trustworthy and dedicated professional, your resume might not hold up well against the competition. Make your credentials clear by mentioning your certifications and licenses in your summary statement. In your work history section, emphasize your deductive and inductive reasoning capabilities and mention your soft skills, such as stellar communication and a friendly personality. Share success stories from each role to paint a picture of your professional accomplishments. For more direction, read the personal care resume example. Personal Care Advice Looking for a rewarding career in the field of personal care? The resume examples below are ideal for personal care professionals searching for a new position. Featuring relevant sample text you can update to fit your needs, these resume examples are an ideal starting point in crafting a resume that will help get you hired sooner. Click on any of the templates below to get started on the next stage in your career! Create My Resume Loading... $(window).load(function(){ addSalaryWidget(); }); Resume Tips for Personal Care Finding jobs as a personal care takes a mixture of using job-seeking tips and having a positive attitude. The following advice can help you score your next position in the current job market. 1. Networking is the…