Best Training Internship Resume Example

Published: Friday 4th of May 2018; Words Count: 1800

You may not have much professional experience in the financial sector, but you’re on your way. And to grab that first rung of the career ladder, you’ll need a strong resume that shows off your academic and extracurricular accomplishments. Divide your document into subheadings that shine a light on your educational background–including honors and awards–and your relevant experience outside the classroom. Then break each section down into short statements that link your knowledge and skills to the specific needs and requirements of your target company. Use this training-internship resume example as a guide and demonstrate how you intend to put your interests and talents to use.

Training Internship Advice

Looking to launch your accounting or banking career? Take the first step with a training internship college credits. To land your internship, you’ll need an attention-grabbing resume. Our intern-specific resume examples make it easy to create one. Just click on the resume examples below, and model your resume after these professional samples, designed specifically for students seeking accounting internships. Choose from a variety of templates and designs, and find the right training internship college credits for you!


Resume Tips for Training Internship

Finding jobs anywhere in the United States in this current economy can be a rather large challenge for those who are new to the process, or who are perhaps returning after a long while. However, while looking for jobs as a training internship, there are a few things any applicant can keep in mind in order to make the job hunting experience more productive and less stressful.

1. When meeting with anyone associated with the application process, it is important to dress and behave professionally. First impressions can, indeed, be everything.

2. Be sure to check for jobs high and low. Oftentimes, available positions in small businesses are overlooked due to lack of advertisement.

3. Attend job fairs whenever they’re available. Not only can this open many doors for employment opportunities, but allows a glimpse into the local job market.

4. Make a plan before entering into the search. Job hunts with structure produce more quality results than those approached without insight.

5. Be aware of the reality of possibilities. Whether an applicant is looking into joining an entirely new field or finding a job identical to an old position, the possibilities will be different.

Training Internship Job Seeking Tips

As is the case in almost any employment opportunity across the country, the most important aspect of entering into the application is the creation of a great resume. When looking for jobs as a training internship, there are several things to remember when it comes to building a professional resume that will speak to almost any employer.

1. List all work and education experience in reverse chronological order to ensure that the most relevant information may be seen first.

2. Always double check grammar, or have someone else proofread the document thoroughly. Grammatical errors can make an applicant seem lazy or sloppy.

3. Try using a splash of color or a unique layout in order to help a resume stand out from others in the stack.

4. Ideally, a resume should be 1-2 pages long. The 2 page maximum should be reserved for those who have extensive experience in the relevant field.

5. Avoid placing “fluff” in the resume, including irrelevant hobbies among other unnecessary information. This takes up valuable space.

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