Marketing Resume Examples & Templates

Copywriter Resume Example

In a copywriter resume, it’s critical that you are able to convey your writing and marketing expertise in your professional summary. Expand on skills in your work history, using details about each role that call attention to your accomplishments. As a writer, take care you’re your resume is free of spelling errors and other typos. Hiring managers hold copywriters to a different standard than applicants in other industries. Read your resume aloud. Ask a friend with a similar background to look through it as well. For more ideas on how to polish your resume, look at our copywriter resume example. Copywriter Advice Our collection of resume examples makes it easy to create your own copywriter resume. And remember, a well-written resume can spell the difference between a quick job offer and a long job hunt. Check out our resume samples below, which include everything from writing advertising copy to drafting marketing messages. Create My Resume Loading... $(window).load(function(){ addSalaryWidget(); }); Resume Tips for Copywriter You increase your chances of finding jobs as a copywriter when you take the right steps. These tips can help you plan a winning strategy for a successful job search. 1. Work your network. Talk to as many people as you know. It’s likely someone has contacts, leads or other information regarding employment opportunities that fit your…

Communications Specialist Resume Example

Communications Specialist Advice Communication specialists handle a variety of communication needs for companies, like writing press releases, answering customer questions, and more. The resume examples we’ve listed below can help you in building your own communications specialist resume. Choose from multiple template designs and find a format that fits your needs, and start creating your resume today. Just click on any of the examples shown here to get started. Create My Resume Loading... $(window).load(function(){ addSalaryWidget(); }); Resume Tips for Communications Specialist Finding a job doesn’t have to be hard. Follow these tips for finding jobs as a communications specialist to get started on your career path today. 1. Remain upbeat: Being positive is easy at first, but as time dwindles, enthusiasm has a tendency to wane. Don’t let the length of your search get you down. You’ll need to be able to manage your expectations and keep a good attitude for when a company calls. 2. Plan: Make a job-search plan for yourself that includes a weekly schedule of tasks. This will keep you motivated and focused on your goals. 3. Research daily: New jobs and opportunities pop up daily, but you need to see them. Make it a daily practice to search job banks online or job postings in newspapers. 4. Make new connections: Often, connections help give you…

Product Marketer Resume Example

Product Marketer Advice A product marketer is responsible for making products appealing to potential customers, and developing strategies to advertise and promote these products. The resume examples below have been specifically tailored to the needs of job candidates seeking a position as a product marketer. You can use these resume examples as a model in creating your own resume, then adjust the content to fit your individual needs. Get started now and get hired faster! Create My Resume Loading... $(window).load(function(){ addSalaryWidget(); }); Resume Tips for Product Marketer No matter what industry you are trying to find a job in or where you live, you have to know what to do. Follow these five steps to get a better idea of what you can do to find jobs as a product marketer: 1. Use your network. Talk with people you know well and people you are simply acquainted with to get a better idea of job opportunities. 2. Conduct informational interviews. If you’re new to the workforce or looking to change industries, an informational interview can help educate you on what would be expected of you as an employee. This type of interview can help you figure out what employers are looking for and what information you should highlight on your resume. 3. Focus on social media. Your social media presence…

Account Manager Resume Example

Hiring managers know that the organization’s reputation is on the line when they hire a new account manager. As a result, the field is competitive and it’s critical for job-seeking account managers to craft brilliant resumes. Above all, you must showcase your sales and interpersonal skills. Start off strong by mentioning both in your summary statement. As you write your work history section, focus on elevating these points. Since your duties will involve sales, it’s vital to quantify your achievements using data. Ultimately, you must demonstrate that you have a reputation for bringing in revenue. See the account manager resume example for execution ideas. Account Manager Advice Account managers help grow businesses by managing individual accounts and building client relationships. To get a job as an account manager, you’ll need business experience, the right attitude, and a quality resume that specifically highlights your accomplishments. The resume examples below have been developed with this in mind. Using these resume examples and your individual successes, you can craft a resume that will impress hiring managers and move you that much closer to getting hired. Create My Resume Loading... $(window).load(function(){ addSalaryWidget(); }); Resume Tips for Account Manager Like searching for jobs anywhere else in the United States, locating jobs as a account manager can be much less stressful if the right kinds of…

Public Relations Resume Example

Public Relations Advice Looking for a job in public relations? You’ll need a resume that highlights your experience and gives employers the confidence you can handle the job–and the public. If you need a little help with your resume, check out the resume examples below. These resume examples are an important resource you can use to improve your public relations resume, and put yourself in position to win the job in no time! Create My Resume Loading... $(window).load(function(){ addSalaryWidget(); }); Resume Tips for Public Relations Finding work as a public relations will be similar to anywhere else in America. Make use of these tips to improve your prospects. 1. Stay positive. As the country recovers from a huge economic downturn, job hunts are still often slower than you may expect or desire. Growth is in your favor, so if you keep dedicated and don’t get discouraged, you can find jobs as a public relations. 2. Create a routine. As the length of your hunt grows, it is important to make sure you are active in your efforts every day. While you should add variety to the ways you look for jobs, a general routine can help prevent stagnation and discouragement. 3. Follow up relentlessly. Some prospects may seem dry on the surface, but as you dig ever deeper the positions…

Graphic Designer Resume Example

Graphic Designer Advice Have an eye for design? Consider a job as a graphic designer. Graphic designers are responsible for developing the look of a companies products, communications, websites, and more. You’ll need the right education, a strong portfolio, and an eye-catching resume. Our resume examples can help show you the way. Click on any of the designs show below to get started. With these resume examples, you can take the next step toward designing your awesome career! Create My Resume Loading... $(window).load(function(){ addSalaryWidget(); }); Resume Tips for Graphic Designer Job markets in various parts of the country each have their own dynamic. The San Francisco Bay Area offers a big job market, but it also means there’s more competition. Standing out among other applications takes a blend of virtual and in-person networking. Here are a handful of tips that can help you land a job as a Graphic Designer or the surrounding Bay Area communities. 1. Network, network, network. When it comes to standing out among other well-qualified candidates, knowing the right person can help get your application on top of the pile. 2. Build rapport. Networking isn’t a one-and-done deal. Follow up with an e-mail after a networking event. It can help you build rapport, which can translate to a referral or job lead down the road. 3.…

Online Marketer And Social Media Resume Example

You work in a competitive industry so to stand out you must crush the competition. Start by making it clear that you’re up to date on the latest social media technologies and trends. In your work history section, mention all relevant social media management platforms that you have used in your career. Also, add this to the skill section so that it’s easily visible to hiring managers. Your work history section should not only share your accomplishments but also provide metrics to provide a frame of reference. Look at our online marketer and social media resume example for more help. Online Marketer And Social Media Advice The internet and social media is rapidly changing the way companies communicate with customers. This is creating more and more new jobs for online marketer and social media professionals. The resume examples below highlight what you should include in your online marketer and social media resume. Choose from multiple resume templates, and create your job-winning resume based on our resume examples. Get started today and give yourself a chance to get a great job in this new and fast-growing field. Create My Resume Loading... $(window).load(function(){ addSalaryWidget(); }); Resume Tips for Online Marketer And Social Media When you are looking for jobs as a online marketer and social media, the search will be much better…

SEO Resume Example

SEO Advice SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is an internet marketing strategy designed to help improve a website’s search results, and drive more traffic to the site. The SEO resume examples below have been developed to assist SEO professionals in crafting their own resumes. Using these resume examples, you’ll be better positioned to land more interviews, and give yourself a better chance to land the job sooner. Create My Resume Loading... $(window).load(function(){ addSalaryWidget(); }); Resume Tips for SEO Finding jobs as a SEO Associate and the rest of the country can be a difficult and long process. Follow these job search tips to make the process easier: 1. Get organized. You can get ready for this search by creating a filing system that will help you keep track of the employers you have heard back from and those that haven’t gotten back to you yet. 2. Make goals. Because the process can be long, it’s easy to get negative and feel unproductive. By making daily or weekly goals you will be able to combat that. The goals can be as simple as sending out so many resumes in a week or calling a certain number of potential employers. 3. Own your search, but don’t be afraid to ask for help. You should be in charge of your own job search by…

Event Planner Resume Example

Event Planner Advice If you’re great at planning and organizing, and work well with a variety of people, consider a career as an event planner. The event planner resume examples here can give you a good idea of what you’ll need to include in your own resume. With these resume examples as a guide, you’ll be one step closer to your goal of becoming an event planner. Just click on any of the templates below to get started. Create My Resume Loading... $(window).load(function(){ addSalaryWidget(); }); Resume Tips for Event Planner Looking for jobs as a Event Planner doesn’t have to be difficult, so long as you keep a few things in mind. The following tips can help the process go much more smoothly. 1. Research employers that interest you to learn about employee satisfaction, hiring processes, company cultures and needs. 2. Take assessments to identify your skills and interests and guide you toward companies that would be a good fit. 3. Create and grow a positive social-media presence. Modern employers will search for you on the Internet. Check your online presence to make sure it creates a good impression. Clean up any publically available information that could give prospective employers doubts about hiring you. 4. Network like crazy. Interpersonal relationships are immensely valuable in job searches. Others may be in…

Market Researcher Resume Example

Market Researcher Advice A market researcher conducts research and does analysis to help companies better understand their customers’ needs. To become a market researcher, you’ll need a business background, an understanding of research methods, and a compelling professional resume, like the ones shown in our resume examples below. Click on any of these resume examples to get started on building your own market researcher resume today. Create My Resume Loading... $(window).load(function(){ addSalaryWidget(); }); Resume Tips for Market Researcher Finding jobs as a Market Researcher takes a combination of the right mindset and a certain set of skills that can keep you on track for finding the job you’ve been looking for. These tips can help you succeed in navigating the job market. 1. Conduct a creative job hunt. When it comes to looking for a job, staying creative is key. This means attending local job fairs and even joining career support groups that can expand your circles. 2. Maintain your networking. Keeping up with professional contacts can open the door to a variety of industries and opportunities. Don’t hesitate to reach out to individuals who could offer support or advice, as you never know where your next lead could come from. 3. Stay positive. Finding yourself temporarily out of work can be frustrating and isolating, but it is important to…

Product Manager Resume Example

As someone who manages all aspects of a product, you need a resume that tells employers that you pay attention to details and adhere to strategic processes. Note these and other applicable traits in your skills section, so hiring managers see it right away. Use your work history section as an opportunity to illustrate how these skills contribute to your professional accomplishments. Start each bullet point with a strong action verb to describe your accomplishments. Because minding details is vital to your work, ensure that there are zero errors in your resume. Look through the product manager resume example for more ideas. Product Manager Advice A product manager is a business pro who helps select, develop, and market products for an organization. It takes business-savvy and experience to be a product manager. It also takes a professional resume that highlights your record of accomplishment. The resume examples below are intended to help you create and organize your product manager resume. With these resume examples as a starting point, you’ll be able to develop a resume that hits all the key points employers expect. Get started today. Create My Resume Loading... $(window).load(function(){ addSalaryWidget(); }); Resume Tips for Product Manager Finding jobs as a product manager requires the right mindset paired with a set of skills to keep you on track. The…

SEM Resume Example

SEM Advice SEM (Search Engine Marketing) professionals help improve a company website’s visibility through advertising and other means. The SEM resume examples below are designed to help SEM professionals find a job. Use them as a guide to what employers are looking for in an SEM resume, then create your own resume and apply for jobs with added confidence. Choose any of the resume examples below to get started. Create My Resume Loading... $(window).load(function(){ addSalaryWidget(); }); Resume Tips for SEM Finding jobs as a SEM Associate and the rest of the country can be a challenge. Follow these tips to take the right actions and make your search easier: 1. Do research along the way. It’s important that you start off your search with research, so you can figure out what type of position you are looking for. Throughout the process you should continue doing research on different companies, so you can figure out which companies would be a good fit for you and wow the hiring managers during the interview. 2. Promote yourself. You can use the way you dress and talk in an interview as a way of positive self-promotion. You can also use your social media to showcase your knowledge and skills related to the career you are in. 3. Use your network. The people you know…

Media Planner Resume Example

Your media planner resume must demonstrate your ability to lead successful campaigns for prestigious clients. In your summary statement, use descriptive words to describe your professional persona. For example, “meticulous media planner” reveals more about an applicant than “experienced media planner.” Ensure that your resume fits that description. If you refer to yourself as “thorough,” then you can’t submit a desultory resume ““ pay attention to the details, checking for spelling and grammar. In your work history section, showcase the positive results you’ve earned, using metrics to describe your successes. See the media planner resume example for more guidelines. Media Planner Advice Are you media-savvy? A job as a media planner could be for you. The resume examples we’ve built below are designed to help you in developing your media planner resume. Media planners help determine which media a client or brand should utilize in reaching an audience. Use these media planner-specific resume examples to see the skills and experience a media planner should highlight on a resume, then use this understanding to create your own resume! Create My Resume Loading... $(window).load(function(){ addSalaryWidget(); }); Resume Tips for Media Planner As the market continues to create openings, you will want a strong methodology to help you land your next employment. These simple tips can help you find jobs as a media…

Traffic And Production Manager Resume Example

Traffic And Production Manager Advice A traffic and production manager manages the daily flow of work for a creative or marketing department. To get a job as a traffic and production manager, you’ll need to be organized, work well with a range of co-workers, and you’ll also need a strong resume. The resume examples below will give you an excellent idea of what your resume should look like. Click on any of the resume examples below to get started. Create My Resume Loading... $(window).load(function(){ addSalaryWidget(); }); Resume Tips for Traffic And Production Manager Finding jobs as a Traffic and Production Manager requires the same mindset, searching and motivation as looking anywhere else in the country. In order to make your job search easier, consider these tips: 1. Focus on the skills you want to use. Chances are over the years you have acquired skills that allow you to do work that doesn’t particularly interest you. While you’re looking for jobs you should only focus on the skills that you want to use. 2. Always be on the lookout for opportunities. Some jobseekers feel that they will only find job prospects on job posting sights or in the newspaper. However, you should pay attention to what’s going on in your network, at job fairs, local job centers or even public libraries,…