Best Nanny Resume Example

Published: Monday 2nd of October 2017; Words Count: 1500

When you write your resume, focus on one core goal: convincing employers to trust you. Whether you submit your resume to a family or an agency, an exceptional resume is critical for your success. In your summary statement, briefly address your past experience as well as your certifications and licenses. When you write your work history section, detail the care you have provided and the ages of the children you’ve cared for in the past. Include your experience working with special needs children, if applicable, and any fun activities you’ve implemented. Read the nanny resume example for more help.

Nanny Advice

If you’re patient, enjoy working with children, and are responsible, you could be the ideal candidate to become a nanny. The resume examples below have been designed to show you what a high-quality nanny resume should look like. With these resume examples as a guide, you can start building your own professional nanny resume faster and more easily. Don’t wait any longer to get the career you want–click below to start on your resume today.


Resume Tips for Nanny

Here is how you can connect to jobs as a nanny:

1. Find some training or professional development opportunities in the area. Adding skills to your resume helps, and often times larger employers will pay attention to these sessions as they recruit.

2. Look for job fairs and other local events. Metropolitan areas usually have quite a few opportunities for local employers, and connecting in person helps you get more mileage out of your effort.

3. Seek out professional organizations for the same reason. Getting involved with others who do the same work you do is a great way to find out about opportunities for jobs as a nanny.

4. Make a plan and have a goal, even if that plan is specific, like seeking to work with a particular employer.

5. Set aside administrative time to keep track of your search, and hold yourself to it. The more organized you are as you look for work, the more likely you are to project and organized and professional aura when you walk into an interview.

Nanny Job Seeking Tips

Even though the opportunities for jobs as a nanny are pretty plentiful, employers do expect that prospective hires show a set of basic job skills. Having a solid, well-presented resume is a big part of showing you have those skills. Here’s what to do and what to avoid when you update yours:

1. Sharpen your objective, and make it specific to each new employer you encounter.

2. Use specific language that paints a vivid but concise picture of your past experience.

3. Organize the flow of your skills and past projects so that the ones each new prospective employer will look for find their way to the top when you submit.

4. Stay away from buzzwords, but do try to mirror the language used to describe the skills and traits the employer is looking for.

5. Remember, only relevant experience needs to make its way to the resume.

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