How To Write a Depression Essay: Example and Tips
Using statistics is an excellent way to start your depression essay. By using statistics, you can make your argument about the seriousness of this health condition more believable. It is useful because not many people are aware of how much destruction some mental disorder can do to a person, let alone a family or a society. Because there is a lack of awareness on mental disorders, medical college students are likely to be asked to write an essay about it to help them understand the issue better and consequently equip them with sufficient knowledge to deal with such issue in the future. Here, we will discuss how to write an excellent essay about depression. We also have some suggestions on some potentially promising topics about which you can write.
Depression Essay: Definition
An essay about depression isn't a frequent academic topic. It is an assignment specifically designed for students who study psychology. The goal here is to explore all the different mental disorders out there, their symptoms, severity, diagnosis, and treatments. Depression has become a common mental disorder among teenagers in modern times. Many events can potentially drive a vulnerable teenager into depression. It can be a break-up, a failed test, bullying, family problems, etc. Sometimes, being alone can cause depression as well. There is no exact formula for depression. Any combination of events can cause this, but they always result in the patient's stress and sadness. Depression is a severe health problem that can have an irreversible consequence on us. It can negatively impact our social and professional life, and it can even lead us to death. Depression, in a way, is contagious since your death can cause grief in some other people who love you dearly. This grief can turn into depression, and the cycle continues. Therefore, it is imperative to understand this issue in its entirety.
Emotional Responses that Cause Depression
An excellent essay about depression always addresses the internal cause of the mental disorder. Although depression is a well-known mental disorder, not many people have an in-depth understanding of the causes of the issue. Two of the most common emotions that cause depression are grief and sadness. These feelings are not uncommon at all, and everyone tends to feel them once in a while. Usually, such emotions do not last long. Should they last more than 48 hours, then it is a good indicator that one is suffering from depression. Here, time is the clear line in the sand that distinguishes the difference between a bad mood and depression. Lack of motivation in life is also one of the usual causes of depression a person cannot find happiness anywhere in their immediate environment. Luckily, depression can be treated without expensive medication, if done correctly. The key to eradicating depression is emotional support. While it may seem small, a little bit of encouragement from the peers or relatives can help a person a great deal when the going gets tough.
There is a common misconception that loneliness is the root-cause of depression. In reality, many other reasons drive many people into the dark pit that is depression. Therefore, when you are required to write an essay about depression, you should also address all of its early indicators so that the patient can be saved before any irreversible psychological damage happens. Plus, the essay should also address the ways to diagnose depression.
There are many different types of depression to which you can dedicate your essay about depression. You can address the bipolar disorder or mania. These are some of the most severe types of depression, and these notions are familiar to most people. It is also a good idea to address some other less-known types of depression since the idea is to raise awareness of their existence. One of them is the premenstrual dysphoric disorder, which is exclusive to women. Regardless of the type of depression you write about, you should address the vulnerability found in the patient's genes and how the environment in which the patient grows up can facilitate the development of depression. Keep in mind that genes and the environment are two of the most potent influences that lead to depression.
What You Should Address
Many students often run out of ideas when they write an essay about depression, especially if the required word count is high. When you are writing about any depression, you can expand upon some of the most common symptoms such as fatigue, suicidal thoughts, guilt, lack of sleep, or excessive sleep.
You need to convince your lecturer, or anyone expected to correct your paper, or your readers, of the threat that depression poses to everyone. The essay should also explain what could lead to depression in the first place. You should also point some of the ways to diagnose depression. As mentioned earlier, depression is best treated as soon as possible. Therefore, you should also follow up with some ways to treat depression such as medications or therapies. The key here is to convince your readers of the problems that depression could lead to if not appropriately treated.