
identifying Essay Examples

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Published: Friday 25th of January 2013

Write an Identifying Essay:Tips and Example

The discovery of the person that you truly are is one of the blissful moments of life. It even becomes joyous when this discovery is made while in the course of learning and writing. The identifying essay is one form of writing that lets you describe yourself. It lets you discover yourself in a sense. Some of the questions that it addresses include:
  • Who are you?
  • What motivates you?
  • What has made you the person you are presently?
  • What stakes does the future hold?
  • Where do you envision yourself five years from now
The above, though not limited to these, are just some of the questions that an identifying essay addresses. We all have written some form of essays that revolve around the things you identify with, for example, your family, your friends and the likes. These could sum up as your mini-essays, which can form the body of your identifying essay. But first, let’s highlight what should form your essay outline.

Identify Essay Outline

Section 1: The Introduction

Start by giving a general perspective on the topic at hand. Present all the background information. Indulge your readers in the form of a story. Raise questions. Define key terms. Give illustrations and examples. Draw relevant analogies. Your introduction should be strong and informative. End your introductory paragraph with a thesis statement.

Section 2: Your Name, Family, Identity, Reader Response

  • These should form your mini-essays which you will place at the body of your essay.
  • There should be no qualms about the order; any order may suffice.
  • Add sections, paragraphs, and sentences as you deem fit.
  • Since you will be writing more than one mini-essay, ensure that you add effective transitions. They should be seen to link all the mini-essays coherently.
  • The transitions chosen must be relevant to the thesis. Ensure that they mention the essay in some way.

Section 3: Conclusion

These are the final sentiments that conclude your essay. What you write here should be what you want the reader to take home:
  • When writing the concluding remarks, amplify the points that were highlighted in the introduction. You can write in the same manner as the introductory paragraph or you could write in another manner you wish (it’s all in your prerogative). As you write, be sure to relate the background information, give your readers a story; bring up questions; define key terms; give illustrations and examples; draw relevant analogies; just like you did in the introduction.
  • However, for the identifying essay, you might want to end with an outlook of the future. Perhaps you can consider, where you envision yourself 10 years from the present or probably who you will in the next 10 years.
Take note to avoid the following phrase: “In conclusion…” Avoid the following simplistic summary phrases, “My paper has talked about, I have discussed, In this paper…etc.”

Thesis Statement

The thesis statement gives forth the main idea that’s going to be discussed in the essay. It informs the reader of your intention to analyze a specific topic or subject. It embodies what your essay will prove. Thus, your thesis statement should be well crafted. Don’t fail to include it in your essay, otherwise, the essay will lack purpose. An effective thesis statement gives an overview of the subject, an assertion and the context in which the subject will be discussed. The following checklist can come in handy when evaluating your thesis statement:
  1. Does it present the main idea?
  2. Does it focus on a central idea and perspective? Does it bring forth the central idea as one that is important?
  3. Does it adhere to a specific language?
Linking Everything Together: The Transitions
  • Transitions serve two main purposes:
    • They link the sections of the essay together
    • They remind your readers of your thesis statement.
Therefore, as you write the transitions, ensure that they restate the point that you’ve just explained. Also, mention how that particular point contributes to the next point of discussion. While at it, reflect the thesis statement.
  • Vary the length and placement of your transitions depending on the type of essay.
The transitions could either be:
  • One sentence at the end of a paragraph or two to three sentences at the end.
  • One to three sentences placed at the end of the paragraph or at the beginning of the next paragraph.
  • Placed at the beginning of the next paragraph
  • A completely separate paragraph.
Paper Requirements
  1. The length of your pages should vary from 3 to 8 pages. Your work should be typed and bound by staples or clips. The preferred font is Times New Roman size 12.
  2. The paper should at minimum have the following 3 sections:
    1. The introduction accompanied by a thesis statement.
    2. The body. This should include all your mini-essays about your name, family, friends, and identity. Be sure to include a reading journal entry.
    3. The conclusion.
  3. Submit all your drafts and the final piece in a manila folder. Countercheck with the ‘Checklist for Required Assignments’. This should guide you on the total number of drafts that are required and the exact dates of submission.

In-Class Writing Assignments: Essay One

“My Name” What meaning does your name portray to you? Are there leading factors that informed the choice of that specific name by your parents? Does your name evoke strong feelings? What are these feelings, if any, and how did they arise? Is there a childhood story that relates to your name? Names are essential in determining how we view ourselves in the larger society. Reflect on your name. What meaning does it have to you? What do you think it says about you? What is its history? You are required to answer or refrain from answering (if it suits you) the above questions. Write your answers for about fifteen minutes without stopping. “My Family” Take a look at your family portrait and describe it. Who are the people present in the picture? How do they relate to you? Why did you settle on the picture? Have the people in the portrait changed ever since it was taken? Yourself, have you changed since the picture was taken? What emotions do the people evoke in you? Reflect on the members of your family. How have they contributed to the person you are now? What’s their history? You are required to answer or refrain from answering (if it suits you) the above questions. Write your answers for about fifteen minutes without stopping. “My Identity” There are various ways of identifying ourselves. Who are you? Who are you to your family, friends, and strangers? Who are in other places such as school, work, gym, church, etc.? Reflect on your identity. How would you like to describe yourself? How does this description depict you? What’s the history behind your identity? Has it changed in any way? Has it remained constant? You are required to answer or refrain from answering (if it suits you) the above questions. Write your answers for about fifteen minutes without stopping.


Follow this guide and you’ll be well on your way to writing a killer identifying essay!