
personality Essay Examples

Published: Friday 25th of January 2013

How to Write an Essay About Your Personality (Example)

Every person in the world has a genuinely unique personality. We’re pretty sure that you’ve heard these words many times and the fact that no two people are entirely alike is indeed true. If you come to think about it, this is pretty extraordinary! Every human being is astonishingly different from any other person on the face of this Earth. We all have unique physical traits. While some people have a significant height and a dark skin color, others may be white and short. Personality is the element that defines us as human beings. It amounts to the very essence of our character. If we didn’t possess a unique personality, we would all regard each other as uninteresting and tedious. We basically wouldn’t even exist as people without our distinct personalities! However, personality is not necessarily a good trait. People may either have a pleasant personality, or an evil one. It all depends on the specific person about whom we’re talking. There are quite a lot of different personalities out there. While some people are cheerful and inspiring, others have weak psychological abilities and cry a lot. While some individuals are brave and enjoy taking risks, others are more cautious and prefer studying the situation more before jumping into action. Of course, these aren’t the only types of personalities that people possess. Every human being constitutes a combination of distinct personality traits. A person regarded by others as more flexible and who is more likely to achieve success in life can also be described as someone who possesses a tenacious personality. These kinds of people take advantage of every chance and always take on each particular challenge. Some people can be incredibly powerful and confrontational. In most cases, such people follow careers in law enforcement or security. This type of personality is suitable for the tasks they receive as part of their jobs, which require a high level of courageousness and boldness. Other people are extremely well-mannered and friendly and have a significant degree of patience. In general, such people pursue careers as consultants, instructors or social workers. Our different personal options represent the outstanding factors originating in our distinct types of personalities. Every single thing that has ever been constructed or produced is linked to the personal preferences of people. For example, a company manufactures specific articles of clothing based on the particular preferences, style, and individuality of the potential customers. A supermarket sells the goods that are the most popular amongst consumers, based on what every person wants to buy. As such, there is a lot more to our personalities than the way in which our actions get perceived by our peers. Our personalities exert a significant influence on everyone around us. One could say that our personalities impact the entire planet. Unfortunately, personality is also a factor that generates wars and the loss of human lives. Someone’s personality may also be to blame for cheating other people, for theft and destruction based on egoistic purposes and motivations. At this point, personality is turned into a menace and generates harmful outcomes. Nevertheless, in most cases, personality has useful features and exerts a beneficial influence on many plans. For instance, due to the personality of a professor, students may be tempted to focus more on studying and become more knowledgeable. Personality can be described as a mixture of our character, our spiritual and psychological mindset and our physical characteristics. Furthermore, our personality is born during our childhood and evolves with our years of study and our personal experiences. In many situations, experience represents the best way of learning new things. Our character gets refined by our family, our circle of friends, and downright everyone we come in contact with in such a way that it makes us more responsible and we gain beneficial characteristics instead of detrimental ones. The personality of an individual may either break or shape them into developing better traits. People who work in mass media or those who are very famous are usually a lot more cautious when it comes to putting their inner personalities on display. This is because they are regularly analyzed and criticized by all of the people who watch them. Because of this high level of pressure, they often only expose their pleasant features to the public. In case a specific person is not particularly warm-hearted or well-mannered, this might be pretty hard to accomplish. In conclusion, one could say that personality is what defines a person. We hope that you’ve enjoyed reading our personality essay example and that you’ll be able to draw inspiration from it when writing your own paper. However, if you’re still not sure how to proceed, place an order here, and our professional writers will deliver a customized essay on personality in no time!