same-sex marriage

same-sex marriage Essay Examples

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Published: Friday 25th of January 2013

Same-Sex Marriage Essay Example

Marriage is a socially or legally recognized union between two persons. As an institution, it defines the relationship between spouses. Although offering a model of living that is quite universal, in its particularities, it varies across cultures and changes through history continually adapting to the evolution of human society. As a legal contract, marriage can, or at least it should be entered by two individuals regardless of their gender or sexual preferences. It assures spouses’ legal rights which include filing taxes together, inheriting from one another, being granted hospital visitation rights and power of attorney, etc. A marital union also provides a support system and allows spouses fulfilling their psychological needs, expressing affection and devotion to one another. The issue of allowing same-sex couples to enjoy the same marital benefits as opposite-sex couples is a matter of ongoing debate in the United States and worldwide. Instead of asking ourselves why this should be done, it would be more appropriate to think of reasons why it should not. Why individuals of the same sex who commit to each other should not have equal rights and same legal status as heterosexual married couples? No valid reasons can be found for pursuing a course of action which implies discrimination based on any grounds, let alone sexual preferences. Conversely, there are strong social, psychological, economic and political justifications for legalizing same-sex marriages. Doing so will improve our society; make it more fair and nondiscriminatory by ensuring that all its citizens can enjoy equal opportunities. In today’s economy, life has not been easy. People have been losing their jobs and having a hard time providing for their families. Weddings are events that involve a lot of planning and contracting the services of numerous small businesses and individuals, such as caterers, stylists, florists, musicians, etc. Large halls are leased and decorated to please the happy couple and their guests. Needless to say, that this generates a substantial income for all those involved in rendering any service required. The costs of an average wedding go from $25,000 upwards. If we consider that there are over half a million same-sex couples in the US, it is not hard to calculate the possible income their marriage ceremonies would generate. Choosing not to be bigoted and overly conservative as to reserve the marriage institution for heterosexual couples only and extending the opportunity to gay couples as well, would actually be in the best economic interest. A significant, and ever rising, number of countries worldwide have already recognized same-sex marriage. The list includes Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Belgium, and even countries with strong religious traditions such as Spain, Brazil, and Columbia. As for the US, legalization of same-sex marriages has still not been accomplished nationwide, but several states have already passed and effected legislation that regulates this issue. Nowadays, public opinion is inclined to reject any form of discrimination, which denying marital rights to same-sex partners clearly is. Therefore, legalization of gay marriages could also be considered a politically correct thing to do. The existence of racial discrimination and failure to eradicate racial prejudice which remain stable in the American population long after slavery was abolished, and all citizens were granted equal rights according to the Constitution, damages the reputation of the US as a democratic country. By legalizing same-sex marriages, America would make a step in the right direction towards becoming a society based on modern-day values of equality and fairness for all. The commitment to establishing a fair and equal society is not only a responsibility assumed by the international community. It is an obligation taken on by all individual countries whose societies are built on democratic principles. The US Constitution states that all men are created equal and as such have the right to live, be free, and pursue happiness in life in whatever way they see fit. Applying the Constitution to LGBTQ people rights would mean granting same-sex couples the right to wed legally, which is an opportunity heterosexual couples have had for ages. A progressive and open-minded society is the one allowing all its citizens, regardless of their sexual orientation, to express their love and devotion to each other in an open and socially acceptable way, including signing a legally binding contract, such as marriage.