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eagle scout Essay Examples

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Published: Friday 25th of January 2013

Eagle Scout Essay Example

If you want to become a member of the Eagle Scouts, it is essential to devise a winning personal statement that reflects your targets, aspirations and management abilities. This statement needs to be a part of your application which will be reviewed by the experts in the Eagle Scout board. We believe this can be an entertaining and stimulating endeavor, as it requires you to recall the experiences you’ve been through so far and to think about what you hope to achieve in your life. You may be a bit skeptical at this point, but eventually, you’ll realize that writing this statement can be a very inspirational activity. Therefore, don’t forget to keep an exemplary of your paper for yourself! If you happen to be somewhat confused as to how to proceed with writing your Eagle Scout personal statement, don’t worry! In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about this type of academic assignment.

Your Targets and Aspirations in Life

Commence your Eagle Scout essay by talking about your aspirations for the future. In addition to this, you should also share your thoughts regarding what you think the meaning of your existence is. In case you are already positive about your life targets, writing this essay will be a piece of cake! However, if you’re still not sure which path to follow, writing your Eagle Scout essay might not be so easy. Therefore, it may be an excellent idea to seek the advice of people in your family or circle of friends. Alternatively, you could even ask one of your teachers about this. Nevertheless, when you start working on the essay, make sure you write down your own thoughts. Work someplace where you cannot be disturbed, and think about it in-depth. You ought to attempt devising a preliminary version solely for your own use. In this rough copy, write down your ideas and ponder on what you like and what you dislike in life. Utilize the insights you’ve written down to compose an adequate essay that can be handed in.

Management Functions

Once you’ve finished talking about targets and aspirations in life, you should enumerate the functions you have exerted that require proving your management abilities. This enumeration might comprise functions you’ve exercised as a student or as part of your extracurricular activities. For instance, let’s say one of your instructors told you to assist another kid with their homework. This may be something that is worth mentioning in your personal statement. In case you can’t bring yourself to recall anything, ponder on a moment when you did something that exceeded other people’s expectations, when you assumed additional duties, or when you had the capability of assisting a person who needed it.

Talk About Prizes or Different Types of Achievements

After listing out the management functions you’ve been involved in, you need to talk about the prizes or distinctions that have been bestowed upon you throughout this activity. You don’t need to write this in a distinct section. Just list them out in the same section in which you’ve talked about your management functions. Same as with the other aspects included in your essay, the honors and prizes you talk about here ought to be the ones that are the most important to you. For example, winning the first place in a science competition could be something worth talking about. On the other hand, in case you helped a cat get down from a tree, you naturally didn’t receive any award – but it could be that the appreciation of its thankful owner was an equally important privilege for you.

Ideas to Take into Account

The Boy Scouts of America don’t specify the length that your personal statement ought to have or the manner in which you ought to write it. What matters the most is that you write the essay independently and that it indicates a genuine effort. In case you believe that a particular idea is beside the point, just skip it. Orthography and syntax are just as essential as they are in any other academic assignment. If you’re typewriting your essay, don’t forget to utilize spell check. In case you prefer handwriting, check if it’s orderly and intelligible. To make sure your Eagle Scout essay has the right quality, you should read it more than once!